Concert: (Sat) 21 Sep 11am- St Mary's Amersham
Concert: (Sat) 21 Sep 11am- St Mary's Amersham

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SuperDuo2024-Shima&Midori-Make Music-Japan-UK-Beyond 史真と緑のスーパー デュオ2024!夏の両国でお会いしましょう!

2024年8月22日(木) 昼の部 15時開演 夜の部 19:30分開演 (夜はオンライン配信あり)Date: Thursday 22nd August, 2024 15:00-, 19.30- Online streaming : 19:30 (JST) 各チケットのご予約・ご購入は下のボタンをクリック↓ コンサート当日まで、メンバーの紹介や出来事をSuperDuoページで綴ってゆきます。メッセージやお問い合わせはこちらまでどうぞ。

チケット:一般 ¥3,500 ペア券 ¥6,500 親子券 ¥5,500  オンライン配信 ¥2,000

Too far away to join our gig? No worries! Join us online!

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宝くじドリーム館 ランチライム・クラシック・コンサート

2024年8月21日(水) 12:00〜13:00


Raans Coffee Concerts

Inscape Duo

Sunday, 23rd June, 2024

A relaxed and refreshing selection of music for Harmonica and piano.

Some of the programme includes:

  • Robert Farnon: Prelude and Dance (Harmonica and piano)
  • Malcolm Singer: Lockdown Suite (piano solo)

Ticket: £12 (Adult) / £6 (Student) / Under 12s FREE

Bradenham Church


Saturday 1st June, 2024

With the band ‘Timeless’, I have chance to play some of my Latin arrangements with a bass and proper drum/percussions – what a treat!

Chesham Fringe Festival 2024

Ensemble Inspire

Sunday 26th May, 2024

What a fun night we had – it was a sold out show! Thank you Chesham Fringe Makers and we look forward to the next year!

On the theme of ‘Strictly Classical’, we visited music from Argentina, then progressed through Hungary to Vienna and Paris (combined) and ended up with a knees-up in Medieval London!

Bryne Church, Norway

Sunday 5h May, 2024

A special concert in Bryne, Norway. I have been using the instrument ‘Silver concerto’ for decades as my main instrument. In December, I had news from Georg Polle that my instrument is ready (after more than two years). Polle Harmoncia is one of the finest chromatic harmonicas. 5 months later, I’m back to make music with this instrument.

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