イギリスと日本を音でつなぐ- Super Duo・Make Music・Japan・ UK・ Beyond
Update 3月4日:珠洲在住のM氏とZoomで打ち合わせをしました。珠洲の現在の様子についてお話をしてくださいました。時間の経過とともに、皆様を取り巻く環境も刻々と変化している状況が伝わってきました。コンサートの当日に、イギリスの皆さんに珠洲のことを紹介できるように10分ほどのビデオ上映を予定しています。震災の様子だけでなく震災前の様子も合わせてお伝えしたいと思っていたところ、M氏が珠洲の皆さんと一緒に作った映画「珠洲の爺ちゃん」から映像を使わせていただける事となりました。作業を進めるうちに、私もいつか訪れてみたいと思うようになりました。Midoriさんは2010年に音活支援事業で珠洲しを訪れて地域に根付いた音楽活動をして以来、お付き合いを続けてきたとのこと。能登半島地震で被災した方のために何かしたいという思いをMidoriさんお話ししたのは、日本全国行っているからきっと能登半島にもいらしてるのではないかなと思ったからでしたが、被害の大きかった珠洲の方達の事を想って心を痛めていたということは知りませんでした。そのことがあり、今回のコンサートが形作られるきっかけになりました。人の結びつきは色々なことを可能にしますね。写真:Midori (2010年の温活支援事業の様子)、M氏(朗読、海岸にて)
Update 4th March: We had a Zoom meeting with Mr. M, who lives in Suzu. He told us about the way things are in Suzu these days. Listening to him, we could feel how the environment around the people there is changing constantly as time passes. For the day of the concert, we are planning to put a 10 mim long video for a short introduction to the people in the UK. Thinking that it would be good to show not only the aftermath of the disaster, but also what things were like before the disaster, I was able to use footage from the film ‘Suzu no Jichan’ that Mr. M made with the community of Suzu. As I worked on it, I also started to think that I would like to visit there one day. Midori visited Suzu in 2010 as part of Onkatsu Support Project, and has continued to be involved in music activities in the area since then. When I spoke to Midori about wanting to do something for the people affected by the Noto Peninsula earthquake, I was thinking that she would probably have been to the Noto Peninsula as she does concerts all over Japan, but I didn’t know that she was worried about the people of Suzu, who had suffered so much damage. This led to the inspiration for this concert. The way people are connected makes all sorts of things possible. Photos:Midori (from Suzu outreach project in 2010), Mr M (Narrating in Midori’s project, by the sea)
Update 3月3日:コンサートとクラウドファンディングのご案内ができました。Information about our upcoming concert.

Shima and Midori
SuperDuo is a ‘duo that connects the UK and Japan through a shared love of music’ featuring Shima Kobayashi (Shima) and Midori Tamura (Midori). The two first met in London. Shima had been travelling across Japan to deliver performances as an artist for the Japan Foundation for Regional Art-Activities‘ initiative to develop the music scene in public concert halls, working with local governments across the country. Midori, who had also been asked to perform, flew in from London and the two began performing together. Midori then returned to Japan becoming an artist for the same project herself, and performed throughout the country, while Shima relocated to London. The two continued to engage with music on both sides of the world before performing together again some ten years later. In August 2024, they gave a performance and live-streamed a concert in Tokyo.
SuperDuo2025 for 珠洲

SuperDuo2025 for Suzu
The 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake and the September 2018 Heavy Rainfall
The Noto Peninsula earthquake occurred while Shima coincidentally was arranging her flight tickets to Japan. It was also when she had just arrived in the UK after the SuperDuo concert in Tokyo that the disaster-stricken area was hit by record-breaking rainfall. Realising that this is a severe blow for the people who are in the middle of the recovery process and seeing that people were facing considerable difficulties, Shima asked Midori, who was scheduled to visit the UK in spring 2025, if there was anything they could do to help. In fact, Midori had already been to the town of Suzu, the area which had suffered most extensive damage by the earthquake and the rainfall, performing a community-based project in 2010. Since then, she had kept in touch with Mr. M, a Suzu resident. With the help of Mr. M, it has become possible for Midori to visit the disaster area before the UK concert and bring the voices of the locals to the people of the UK.

Why we would like to support Suzu?
Since the Noto Peninsula earthquake and torrential rain disaster, recovery work and support for daily life have continued from various organisations in both the public and private sectors. As Japan is an earthquake-prone island nation and an economic superpower, there is a perception that recovery and reconstruction are steadily progressing, and in fact there is very little news coverage of the Noto Peninsula earthquake in the UK. However, what is not well known is that due to the unique geographical conditions of the peninsular that juts out into the Sea of Japan, the recovery and reconstruction process is different from that of past major earthquakes, and the torrential rain that followed the earthquake was fatal to the affected areas. As a result, even a year after the earthquake, the recovery work necessary for the people of the affected areas to rebuild their lives is progressing very slowly, and feelings of isolation are mounting.

Japan, a major tourist destination
By contrast, Japan is ranked as the ‘most attractive country’ in the world and the country I want to visit again‘ (2024), and there is a high level of interest in tourism to Japan worldwide. To learn in detail about the events that have taken place since the Noto Peninsula Earthquake up to the present day has been an opportunity to discover the rich natural environment, unique culture, art and architecture of the Noto Peninsula. Noto’s unique and distinctive presence is something that Japan has to treasure, with the confidence that it will continue to attract the attention of the international tourists.
Charity for Suzu
そこでSuper Duoならではのアイデアで、甚大な被害のあった能登半島・珠洲市(Suzu)の現在の様子と、また地震以前の珠洲の様子の両方を紹介し、海外の人たちに、いつが珠洲をおとづれてみたいと思ってもらえるようなコンサートを、音楽プラスαで繋ぐ試みをしてみたいと思うようになりました.
Here, Super Duo would like to connecting the town of Suzu on the Noto Peninsula, the area that was hit hardest by the earthquake, with the town of Amersham near London, where the concert will be held, through music and more.